A time for reflection

Well, it is the 12th anniversary of 9/11 and I can think of no better way to dishonor terrorism than to spend time with my EMS friends and family, continue to be an infidel (bacon, anyone?), and get some EMS continuing education in the American testament to hedonism that is Las Vegas.

Part of vacation is a chance to renew and reflect and this vacation has been an excellent opportunity to do just that.  I’ve had the opportunity to renew and refresh my relationships with several of my fellow EMS providers and to finally meet some EMS leaders who I greatly respect, in particular, Pat Songer and Dr. Brent Myers.  I was fortunate to renew my friendship and clear any misunderstandings between Dr. Paul Hinchey and Dr. Ed Racht.   Yep,  I haven’t always been the fairest critic, but we are all on the path of wanting to do the best we can for our patients.   And when you start out the week helping in the cadaver lab alongside your mentor Bryan Bledsoe and your medical director Larry Miller, it’s going to be a great week.

More to come from Las Vegas, assuming I can pull myself away from the steak houses and buffets.

And as a personal request to EMS Expo attendees, please don’t wear the “Pass the Field EMS Bill” buttons unless you think that all that ails EMS is more Federal involvement and “free government money.”  We’re moving towards evidence based medicine.  It’s time that we move towards evidence based public policy as well.  And the history shows that more Federal involvement and throwing money at an issue is no solution.