From our home office in Ladonia, Texas, we bring you the Top 10 EMS marketing gimmicks. If you’ve ever been to the exhibit hall of an EMS conference or read the back of any EMS magazine, you’ve probably seen some of these gimmicks in play when it comes to marketing a new product designed to make our lives as medics easier. For your reading pleasure, I’ve compiled them here.
10. “Complies with AHA standards.”
9. Vague claims that your new EMS product is now “the standard of care.”
8. “When seconds count.”
7. Claim your product is eligible for “homeland security grants.”
6. Work the word “rescue” into the product name – even if it’s a pen.
5. The Star of Life. Everyplace.
4. Add webbing to it.
3. Color it black or subdued gray.
2. Call it “tactical” – even if it’s just a disposable bed sheet. Adds a 15% markup. Minimum.
1. Flaming skulls. Never forget the flaming skulls.
Operators are standing by.
A fool and their money are soon parted.
3a. Tactical “tan” or desert camo
Facial soot is on my top 10 list.