More on EMS Advocacy

One thing that really irks me about the so-called “Field EMS Bill” is how people think that creating a single Federal agency for EMS issues will solve the neglect that some perceive that EMS receives from the Federal government.  Of course, the limited government advocate in me says that being ignored by the Feds helps EMS overall.

Having said that, though, let me throw more cold water on the idea of a Federal EMS office, whether it’s in the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, or even back in the Department of Transportation.   Such an office means that we’d have some sort of voice at the table, yes.  However, it wouldn’t necessarily be a true advocate for EMS.   Rather, it’d probably end up as some symbolic gesture where, at best, the bureaucrats could say that, “Yes, before we cut the Medicare ambulance rate again, we showed it to the Federal Office of EMS.”

To truly advocate for EMS, we need to step up and do what the other professions do.  Namely, we have to involve ourselves in the political process.   We need to donate to candidates, fight bad policies, and campaign like heck for those that do support EMS.  And we need lawyers and lobbyists too — to help draft legislation, to monitor legislation, and to monitor the bureaucracy’s actions and proposed regulations.

There’s no Federal Office of Physicians or Attorneys.  Why?  Because a real profession advocates for itself.

$15 for “You want fries with that?”

So, apparently, some fast food workers throughout the USA are planning to strike for a $15/hour wage.  This comes on the heels of a previous fast food strike last November in Detroit, Chicago, NYC, and Seattle.  AKA, places this Texan really doesn’t want to visit.

Ok, let me throw some cold water on this notion that’s full of bovine excrement.

First, minimum wage laws aside, employers pay employees what they are worth.  (And I’d encourage you to read about the minimum wage from a free market economist like Walter Williams, Milton Friedman, or Thomas Sowell.)  How many of us consistently get service and quality food from fast food employees?  You know, accurately filled orders, the correct change, and pleasant service. Would any of us be willing to pay sit-down restaurant prices for Nachos Bell Grande or a Big Mac?  If so, there are hippies in Austin and Berkeley that’d like whatever you’re smoking.

On a more passionate note, I can’t justify fast food workers getting this kind of pay when our armed forces and first responders don’t even make $15/hour.  This doesn’t even cover child care workers or nursing home staff, people trusted to care for the most vulnerable of us.

My heartless, insensitive side (you know, the part you come here for…) says that the free, open market shouldn’t pay $15/hour to subsidize your poor life choices.  Some of the strikers reciting their talking points (probably prepared by the successors of ACORN) say they can’t provide for their family on fast food wages.  Well, you made two bad decisions.  First, you’re not employable at any other position, whether due to a lack of education or a lack of workplace skills.  Second, you decided to have a family on these wages.  Your poor decisions do not make a crisis.  Sorry.  Your solution is education — whether in obtaining skills to make you more attractive to a better career or in family planning.   And education doesn’t necessarily mean a four year college degree.  Nothing wrong with learning a skilled trade.  (That’s another post for another day.  The myth that everyone needs college.)

In short, I seriously doubt that these fast food workers even realize what they’re on strike for.  My guess is that a….community organizer…. stirred this up. Maybe the $15/hour will disqualify them for the ObamaCare subsidy?