Late Sunday night, a madman killed people in Las Vegas. Predictably, both sides have drawn their lines in the sand and demand that politicians “DO SOMETHING!” Those on the left demand that politicians enact gun control and hector, cajole, shame, and belittle those who don’t believe as they do. Conservatives argue that gun control doesn’t work and that the solution doesn’t include disarming the public.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I tend more toward the conservative view of things. I also have a Texas license to carry a firearm and do carry. But I’m also a realist. I doubt that a person carrying a handgun can stop a situation like in Las Vegas where a rifle is being shot from a high place at a large crowd. Individual street crimes may be a different situation, but even in those cases, a “good guy with a gun” can only do so much.
So, we all want to “DO SOMETHING.” Here’s my opinion. You can absolutely do something above and beyond “thoughts and prayers,” changing your profile picture on Facebook, or contacting your politicians for or against guns. First things first. Learn some basic life-saving skills. Learn CPR. Learn basic first aid. Learn bleeding control — including how to use a tourniquet. And make sure you have current supplies at your home and/or in your car. Some basic gauze, gloves, and a tourniquet can go a long way to make sure that a violent assault doesn’t become a homicide. As an added bonus, your knowledge of CPR and first aid is valuable in other situations above and beyond shootings. Car wrecks and sudden cardiac arrest kill just like a shooting — and a concealed firearm isn’t as useful in those situations. There are plenty of first aid and CPR classes out there. If you can’t find one or have questions, feel free to ask me — or ask your local EMS organization. You do know who your local EMS organization is, right?
Next. You do need to contact your politicians. But not necessarily about guns. Ensure that your community has a well-funded EMS system and trauma facilities. Too many communities rely on the “low bidder” to provide 911 response. Too many communities are holding bake sales so that their volunteer fire and EMS organizations can have the bare minimum equipment. We can always have a debate about the role and scope of government and taxes. However, all but the most radical anarchists or extreme libertarians would agree that a fundamental role of government is to send help when you call 911. A high-quality EMS system is not a luxury. Whether a car wreck, a mass shooting, or chest pain, the fact remains that early access to definitive care saves lives. An Emergency Medical Services system does exactly that. For all of the comments on social media about so-called “First World Problems,” Americans should demand a quality EMS system that ensures access to clinically current, professionally delivered, compassionate medical care 24/7.
And if you still want to “DO SOMETHING,” consider getting training and volunteering. The reality is that you might be near a volunteer fire or EMS department that needs people and just might even train you. A basic first responder course is often less than 80 hours.
These are the steps you can take to “DO SOMETHING.” Or you can keep changing your profile picture on Facebook. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.