More on the Four Year EMS Degree

So, I'm thinking more about the push for an EMS degree. In theory, I think it's a great idea. But here's a couple of observations.   The "other countries have it" argument. Those other countries also have a national healthcare system where EMS is … [Continue reading]

On The EMS Degree

So, because of a prominent fire chief's article against EMS degrees, all of the usual EMS advocates are coming out for a gradual phase-in of a degree requirement. And it stands to reason that the fire service wants a low entry standard for EMS.  Most … [Continue reading]

Where To Fix EMS

We all know the problems with EMS.  Mostly they revolve around low pay, low standards, and unreliable sources of funding.  Easily fixed, right?  Well, maybe. But there's an ongoing problem in EMS. Most EMS systems operate under the belief that … [Continue reading]

The Social Media Medic

Social media is a wonderful thing.  It truly is.  For me, as both a paramedic and an attorney, it has been a godsend.  I've made a lot of friends that I'd have never known otherwise.  And, especially for medicine, it's exposed me to a lot of new … [Continue reading]

Why Doesn’t EMS Grow Up?

Social media is always full of EMS providers committing social media assisted career suicide (SMACS).  The latest was a perceived HIPAA violation where a medic was perceived to make fun of a cardiac arrest in a chicken coop, along with the associated … [Continue reading]

What does the patient/client want?

I'm trying to put some complex and jumbled thoughts into words here, so bear with me. As some of you may know, I've dealt a ton with health issues for various family members over the years, especially over the last few months. One thing that I've … [Continue reading]

“Dr. Dunning, I presume?” said Mr. Kruger.

An ongoing topic of discussion on EMS social media is the Dunning-Kruger Effect.  Wikipedia defines the Dunning-Kruger Effect as "a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability have illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability … [Continue reading]

How To Create a Paid Fire/EMS Department

As of late, I've posted a fair amount about the local politics involved with the various tax-funded emergency services districts in my part of Texas basically ending volunteer participation. Truth be told, I definitely think there's some shenanigans … [Continue reading]

Cleared To Practice, AKA: The License To Kill

I booted up the computer fully intending to write a long screed, aka rant, on the issues currently facing Austin/Travis County EMS, its medical direction, and their relationship with the multiple county first responder agencies and their ability to … [Continue reading]

EMS is OUR Profession

Here's a great example of what's wrong with EMS. This morning, I was looking at the webpage for the EMS For Children Improvement and Innovation Center project being administered by Texas Children's Hospital. The webpage identified twenty-eight staff … [Continue reading]