Because the science is evolving on COVID-19, we know that the end lessons from this may be different. But I'd like to throw of my early observations out early for consideration. First and foremost, all of the EMS grants, training, and attention … [Continue reading]
EBM. Do you know what it really means?
Right now, in this time of COVID-19, there's a lot of unknowns. There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns, to borrow a phrase from Donald Rumsfeld. Right now, many of those unknowns, both known and unknown, apply to the treatment and management … [Continue reading]
EMS Continuing “Education”
Time for me to bring up a semi-regular rant again. The Texas Bar requires 15 hours of continuing legal education a year, including 3 hours of ethics. Up to 3 hours can be self-study including 1 hour of ethics. And the Texas Bar specifically mentions … [Continue reading]
Rural EMS and the Rural Hospital Crisis.
One of the best pieces of advice that an attorney gave me as I entered the legal profession was that I should read the news every day. He told me that you never know what future cases might be in the news. Being a bit of a nerd for politics and … [Continue reading]
The Matrix
Ever seen The Matrix? It's one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. The folks who created the movie and that entire universe are definitely creative, if not a bit warped. But there's a scene in there that applies to EMS. In the first Matrix … [Continue reading]
The Paramedic Shortage
My good friend (and I daresay mentor) Dr. Bryan Bledose recently opined on the paramedic "shortage" in the United States. The good doctor mentions several ideas worthy of consideration, including limiting the number of paramedics, improving the … [Continue reading]
And So It Goes
Years ago, my friend Mike Levy used to close out his email blasts on local politics with "and so it goes," implying his despair that things would change or improve. This morning, I happened to see an EMS colleague post a cartoon about how everyone … [Continue reading]
Quit Operating and Start Treating
It's time for another one of my trademarked and patented rants on what's wrong with EMS. And to keep with the social media crowd, I've been triggered. This afternoon, I received an email from a large, national EMS conference (cough, EMS World … [Continue reading]